The Wake Up Call


Chapter 1.26: Ghost

The ground shook from an immense transporter engine as it raced to a halt by the subway entrance. Its bulky power plant vibrated the surroundings and sent trash creeping along the grey sidewalk and hard black road. Its badly maintained exterior bodywork rattled and complained about being stationary. A powerful, dual beam searchlight scoured each nook and cranny of the factory until it caught the pathetic looking outline of a man huddled by a wall. The blue-white beam held its focus on the target while the driver climbed down from the juggernaut-like machine. Its thick square corners and protective bars seemed to breathe an uneasy rhythm as the engine continued to tick over.

The figure cut through the spotlights and approached the squatting man cautiously and held a large sidearm next to his side, unsure how to approach the target. The figure knelt down and pulled back an eyelid, checking for any signs of life. The uncontrollable movements of the eye and slow response to the bright spotlight caused the figure to tuck the sidearm into his belt grabbed Hetch and drag him back towards the transporter's cab. He opened the high door and stood Hetch against the transporter, hooking his belt on a protruding nut above the transporter's steps. The figure ran around to the driver's door, climbed up and then struggled to pull Hetch up into the cab.

Meanwhile some shadowy individuals started to appear and make their presence felt. The noise from the troop transporter was too great to be ignored by the local gang members and it seemed to offer an opportunity. Rocks and verbal threats began to ambush the stationary vehicle. It would only be a matter of a few moments before some more substantial missiles would be called into play against them. Some of the gang members were already running towards the truck.

The driver injected Hetch with two unknown drugs before locking the doors and pushing a revival capsule into Hetch's cut mouth.

Outside the number of gang members were quickly multiplying and their anger at the two individuals inside grew as rapid as their numbers. Rocks and large metal bars were thrown against the doors and protected window bars.

"Wake up!"

The driver slapped Hetch's face and shook him.

"Fucking wake up!"

Hetch struggled from the realms of sleep and began to explore his new surroundings.


"There isn't time. Here take some of these and get your shit together."

The gang members now started to rock the transporter from side to side while others began to take random shots at the windows. Others drew imaginary lines across their throats and cast obscene gestures towards the two inside.

Hetch's eyes scanned the hazy, pitch-black interior of the cab. All he could make out was a scruffy outline sitting next to him and struggling to operate the 3 gear sticks to drive the vehicle.


"I've given you some mild neuro tranquillisers, they will help the pain but slow down your reactions. Now, shut the fuck up till we're out of here."

The transporter jerked forward and crashed into the subway entrance wall. Its front wheel hung over the top step and the opposite rear wheel spun in mid-air. The shots continued against the reinforced windows and increased their damage across the glass. The driver switched gears again and again, forcing his foot on the brake and accelerator in alternate sequences. One of the gang members pushed a metal bar into the door's lock and started to force it open. The wheels slipped again and again on the wet, grimy sidewalk.

"Come on, fucking move!" Screamed the driver, wrestling with the controls.

Hetch's drug filled head slumped against the side window as a gang member fire another shot into the glass causing another wave of blood to trickle down. The window wasn't entirely shot through yet, but it was only a matter of a few more seconds.

Finally the transporter's wheels found a grip on the ground and accelerated backwards away from the subway and towards a sleazy nightclub exit across the street. The gang members continued to launch missiles at the moving target. One gang member hung onto the side of the vehicle and continued his violent attack against the door lock.

The chrome reflection of a gun semi hidden in the driver's belt caused Hetch to snatch it and wave it at his head.

"Take me back to the alleyway!"

"You fucking crazy?"

"I have to know. I have to see."

"See what?"

The driver's door burst open and a fierce looking body builder with a knife in one hand and the metal bar in the other growled at the two passengers. Hetch fired a shot into the night air before sending a second one into the attacker, missing the driver's head by inches.

"I need to see her. See what happened."

The open door and cab was sprayed with UZI fire. The interior became choked into a deafening hailstorm of bullets as they were deflected off the heavy, metal surfaces. The driver snatched the door shut just in time to save him from the second wave of machine gun bullets.

The transporter raced backwards colliding with numerous obstacles and wove a snake-like path away from the chasing mob. The transporter span round and vanished into the maze of city blocks, dead-ends and semi demolished buildings. After a few minutes the mob had given up on their pursuit of it.

"Shit. What did you give me?" Hetch complained, rubbing the warm barrel of the gun across his forehead.

"Something I made up myself."


"Who else did you expect?"

"How did you find me? How long have you been following me?"

"Take it easy. I'll explain all in good time. First we've got to get out of here, back on some home ground."

Hetch raised the gun once again to the driver's head.

"I mean it. Take me back."

Splice glanced at the gun and the trembling hand holding it.

"Look, things have gotten out of control."

"No shit!" mocked Hetch.

"I'm sorry if you've lost your cute girlfriend but there are bigger things to deal with."


"Just fucking listen to me. I'll help find out what happened to her, but this isn't the time!"

Hetch lowered the gun onto the seat and clawed back his wet hair. He wasn't thinking or acting straight, two classic signs of a rookie courier. The cocktail of drugs in his system had probably saved his life and he wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

"You're not the only one to have a bad day."

Splice pushed his thumb into the neck of his shirt and pulled it down to reveal the telltale burns of a bullet entry point.

"Pretty nice little memento from our 3 friends."

"McKaffs?" asked Hetch, his body kicked back into life.

The driver nodded.

"Lucky for me those rotating advertisement boards and thick windows surround my place, otherwise I would have ended up like Mewco."

"You know?"

"Every cop, pusher, swipe-freak, low-life, pimp and fucking capper knows about Mewco by now."


"How do you think?" replied Splice, tapping his shoulder.

"The McKaffs? I thought Mewco could control them."

"Not anymore. They've been 'cut loose'."

"Cut loose?"

"Some rumours about them owning some high powered people, the kind of people who you don't ask about if you don't want to get stepped on. Haven’t you seen the news about the past 24 hours?"

"Can't say I'm a big fan of Matt Hemlock."

"The city is being closed down piece by piece. Those explosions, nothing more than mirrors and smoke."

Hetch's face grew puzzled.

"You know. Tricks. Planned by the government."


"There’s plenty of people in the Milton Citadel with more than a passing interest in cleansing the city of the slums. Getting rid of the cancer for something more profitable."

Hetch knew about Splice's tendency for seeing conspiracy around every corner, but this time he was making sense; and that scared him.

"The McKaffs always wanted to have total power and what better way than controlling the entire city? We've got a little time left before the deadline. We can still deliver the case."

"You have it?"

"Of course. That’s what that little meeting was in the Aurora Complex and where they killed Trimble. They wanted the case but I trusted Mewco more. We spoke about the job just after you left his office. He suspected it could turn sour."

"Why didn't he warn me?"

"He thought you would split at the first sign of trouble. And I needed some time to hack the Aurora Complex's systems and see what the McKaffs were up to. You've done good kid. I'm impressed by your determination."

"Save it."

"I mean it. You’ve taken some crap along the way, but you’ve proved yourself. This whole fucking thing has turned sour from the start. Look, I’m really sorry about that cute stewardess. I know what I would do in your place. Do you want pay-back?"

Hetch stared at Splice.


He reached inside his coat pocket and pulled out a small extraction gadget.

"First get rid of the tracking device."

"What tracking device?"

"The one hidden in your arm. They planted it there before you found it again in the lost property department."

Hetch shook his head.

"Did you really think all those chance meetings and familiar faces appearing around each corner was pure luck? Gees, you are new to this. They've been playing you like a sucker from the moment you left the shuttle terminal."

"Did she..." Hetch stumbled over the words "Was the stewardess involved? I mean, which side did she work for?"

Splice looked out the window and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.

"The McKaffs or Mewco?"

He shook his head.

"Maybe someone else or herself. Sorry kid. She had little choice in events. She was just like you, an idealistic and foolish young courier needing a way out. She had a pretty rough life even before Mewco. The McKaffs were regular customers at The Money-shot club and you can guess the rest."

"Fuck!" Hetch slammed his fist into the roof.

"She was another lost soul, sucked up and spat out. If we're both going to get out of this alive then we need to bring all those, sick and twisted fuckers down."

"Okay. I want pay-back."

"Sure you're up to the task? You look like shit kido!"

Hetch sat there and ignored Splice's question his mind was focused on revenge and a bloody revenge at that. The heavy transporter wove a dangerous path through the city streets, running through shortcuts and avoiding roadblocks. Splice's knowledge of the street had come from designing most of the now neglected alarm and traffic control systems.

After almost half an hour of travelling they arrived at the rear of a Tek Emporium shop that Splice had once owned. Its exterior was bleak but well protected by physical and electronic devices. The faded holographic signs above the door displayed the usual advertising slogan and offers of fantastical cheap hardware, both civilian and military bio-enhancements and implant technology.

"I'm going to need some weapons."

Splice hit Hetch on the chest to grab his attention.

"Hey! We're in this together! You're my only chance of making it out alive. We work together we live. Understand?"

To be continued...